Public Policy Advocacy
TECNA represents approximately 60 technology trade organizations that, in turn, represent more than 22,000 technology-related companies in North America. TECNA empowers regional technology organizations and serves as their collective voice in helping grow the North American technology economy.
TECNA is dedicated to empowering and mobilizing the grassroots tech community to impact legislative and regulatory issues important to growth, innovation and job creation.
United States
TECNA’s membership is inclusive of nearly 50 U.S. technology trade councils/associations. Through their collective efforts, our U.S. members develop and implement a policy agenda that successfully supports their member companies.

Alex Curtis
TECNA U.S. Public Policy Committee Chair
VP, Public Affairs & Communications, Nashville Technology Council

Mollie Ross
TECNA U.S. Public Policy Committee Vice-Chair
Vice President of Operations, Technology Association of Iowa
TECNA’s membership is inclusive of nearly 20 Canadian IT and technology related councils/associations. Through their collective efforts, our Canadian members develop and implement a policy agenda that successfully supports their member companies and clients.
In so doing, our Canadian members support efforts to affect provincial policies that encourage Technology Based Economic Development (TBED), workforce development and STEM education.

TECNA Policy Agenda
Congressional Testimony
Jennifer G. Young, CEO of TECNA, was invited in 2021 to testify on behalf of TECNA before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship (Judiciary) at a hearing which occurred on Tuesday, July 13, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. ET titled, "Oh, Canada! How Outdated U.S. Immigration Policies Push Top Talent to Other Countries."
The hearing’s focus was centered on the United States’ antiquated highly skilled immigration policies (i.e. H1-B visas), and how the Unites States is losing these highly skilled workers to other countries and fast.
Watch the testimony below and click here to download the written testimony from Jennifer G. Young on behalf of TECNA.
TECNA Positions
01.09.25 - TECNA Joins Six Leading Organizations in Advocating for Pro-Innovation Tax Policies to Boost U.S. Economic Growth and Competitiveness
10.15.24 - Innovation Coalition - U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Ways and Means Republican Tax Teams
06.04.24 - TECNA Joins Several Organizations in Support of S. 4207, Spectrum and National Security Act of 2024
03.18.24 - TECNA Comments on National Apprenticeship System Enhancements
02.01.24 - TECNA Applauds Bipartisan Tax Bill to Reinstate Important R&D Tax Provision for Small Businesses and Innovators
01.30.24 - TECNA Comments on NIST’s Draft Interagency Guidance Framework for Considering the Exercise of March-In Rights
01.11.24 - TECNA Joins 23 Technology, Innovation and Small Business Organizations Urging Congress to Fix Section 174 Tax Priority
Webinar Recordings
Overview of Colorado's AI Law by Mark Champoux of Davis, Graham & Stubbs
Watch this recorded webinar form the TECNA US Policy Committee's Meeting July, 15, 2024, featuring Mark Champoux of Davis, Graham & Stubbs who serves on Colorado Technology Association's Policy Committee share a deep dive into Colorado's AI Law.
TECNA Members only can login to access webinar recordings available exclusively to TECNA Member council staff.
R&D Amortization Webinar with Tri-Merit & TECNA
Recent changes in the U.S. tax code eliminated the immediate deduction of R&D expenses and requires them to instead be amortized over 5 years. This has created uncertainty for companies' tax departments. Congress is currently considering provisions which will delay the new tax treatment, but what can companies do now to prepare for the possibility of Section 174 coming into effect? Watch a webinar recording of Barry Devine, Regional Director at Tri-Merit, and the Technology Councils of North America (TECNA) as we dig into details of Section 174 capitalization to help you better understand how the new rules affect your business.TECNA Members only can login to access webinar recordings available exclusively to TECNA Member council staff.
Interested in Advocacy and Policy? Join our US Policy Committee!
Whether you want to raise your advocacy profile or just interested in learning more about the state(s) and national legislative landscapes, join us on our Policy Committee calls. We meet monthly on the third Monday at 2:00pm ET. For more information, please contact Lindsay Ries at
TECNA AI Advisory Committee
Given these initiatives and the TECNA membership’s stated interest to be on the forefront of AI policy, we formed a TECNA AI Advisory Committee comprised of experts in Canada and the U.S. with a broad and interdisciplinary range of AI-relevant experience.
The purpose of the committee is to anticipate and discuss AI policy issues in North America as it relates to the innovation community and to provide recommendations and guidance on topics (e.g. AI competitiveness and AI workforce issues) to inform TECNA's AI Policy. If you or one of your members are interested in serving on the AI Advisory Committee, please contact Lindsay Ries at
Take Action Today!
Use TECNA's Action Center resources to learn who your elected officials are, what opportunities we have to advocate from the comfort of your own home/office on federal and state legislation, and more.
You can send a message to your legislators in 5 minutes or less. Find a topic that resonates with you, and share your story.